How We Come Together...
As AIWAV has developed, the idea of creating support Teams of volunteers to help with the running of the Association and extend the activities we offer has slowly developed. 2025 looks to be the year when these Teams will really begin to take shape.
There are currently functional Teams that run the Admin, Membership, Comms and Meetings/Events areas of the Association and newly formed clubs that are taking shape include the Causes Team, Let's Cook Team and Go Crab Go Team. More info to come very soon.

Support Teams Protocols...
Support Teams are for members only. Prospective members may only join Association Monthly Meetings.
Bi-monthly Events are only open to non-members if publicised as such.
The primary objective will naturally be to engage volunteers from the Association membership in a common activity. If there isn't one already, you will need to nominate a leader to regularly report to the Leadership Team. Agree with Leadership a schedule, mode of reporting and confirm who is your delegated Leadership Team contact.
Create a brief description of the Support Team including its aims and objectives, the frequency with which it will meet and any other relevant information. This can be added to the AIWAV website and kept on file in the main Association drive.
Please use AIWAV ‘tools’ to facilitate the activities of the team - event schedule, email list etc. If it seems like a good resource is missing, report to the leadership rather than just create that resource on your own as it might be something other teams can also use and the Association can create and utlize for everyone. Add your meetings/events to AIWAV calendar so all members have access:
We recommend that you use either email or WhatsApp to communicate between your Team Members but if you do, please cc the main Association email address in email chains - americanwomenvenice at
Let your Leadership Team delegate know if you think it's a good idea to create an AIWAV specific email address and we will guide you. This is so that there is a consistency in form and it is easy to hand over the address in future if necessary.
For WhatsApp, if a group is useful, please create it in the AIWAV community. Please contact the LT for assistance. We recommend that your Leadership Team delegate is also a member of that group
If you want or need your activities to be promoted to our social channels, please inform the Comms Team who can add the information to the monthly newsletter and/or publish the information for you. (This will depend on the nature of the team - Castello925 Team, for example, will have a regular Comms schedule regardless).
Depending on the nature of the Team, a short update can be given at the Monthly Meeting of activities or needs from the members.
If you have any concerns, please report immediately to your designated Leadership Team contact.