Who we are...

AIWAV, the American and International Women’s Association of Venice, consists of a growing, diverse group of women of all ages, interests, ethnicities, nationalities and beliefs but who consider themselves primarily to be of an ‘international’ inclination whether having just arrived in the city or born here.

AIWAV was created in 2019, but its development was obviously put on pause during the Pandemic years. In 2022, the association started to sign up members and hold regular events around Venice.

We are formally affiliated with www.fawco.org, the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas. Read more about us below.


The benefits of membership are...


sharing knowledge, experience and networking with the other members of the club.


a monthly event to meet, chat and discuss the progress of the club.


member organised events and activities particularly around Venice.


opportunities to work together to do good works for the city.


access to the private members area on the official website.


a chance to connect with a long running, successful, worldwide organisation FAWCO.org.


an established communication network utilising WhatsApp and Facebook.


other benefits to be decided between us as members.

The commitments of membership are...


pay your annual membership fee.


be an ambassador for the club, particularly with regards to new members.


respect the other members.


let your voice be heard and listen to other voices.


be a volunteer within the club.


if that’s not possible, support those who do volunteer.


contribute to the community by taking part in events and shared spaces.


a monthly event to meet, chat and discuss the progress of the club.

As we begin to develop and grow, there are inevitably some costs which a nominal membership fee will cover. In return, it is hoped that the members will appreciate the many benefits of being part of this club.

The current costs of the club are

Annual FAWCO registration fee

Annual website running costs

Administrative Costs

Any fees that are not spent on the annual running costs will be put into an account for future needs. If there is surplus, it is proposed that the funds will go towards the club events and any good causes the club adopts on a 50/50 basis.